Need to contact us? Please check our FAQs first to see if you can find your answer.
Usually, orders get shipped in 1-7 business days. During busy periods (like new product drops or holidays) our processing times do increase.
If you paid for tracked shipping at checkout, please refer to your tracking email to see the whereabouts of your order. You can also find tracking through your order confirmation email by clicking the "View your order" button.
UK orders take 2-10 days to arrive and orders outside of the UK regularly take 2-4 weeks to arrive (sometimes a little longer.) This is unfortunately out of our control but if it's been longer than the times listed here, please get in touch!
Estimated preorder shipping dates are listed on their product page. If you have a preorder item within your order, all items will be shipped together once they are all in hand.
If you ordered a digital product, you should recieve an email with a download link. If you didn't recieve this, please email us.
To cancel or return an order, please contact us at with your order number.
If your order hasn't shipped yet, we can cancel it for a full refund. If you change your mind about an order after it has been shipped, you will need to return all the items at your own expense. Once we have recieved them back in the same condition they were sent in, we will then issue a refund for the products minus shipping.
Orders that do not contain preorders are usually shipped within 1-7 days so if you would like to cancel, it's better to let us know as soon as possible!
We do not offer refunds for digital products due to the downloadable nature of them.
Please contact us at so we can help you!
If any of the items in your order are incorrect or damaged, you will either receive a refund or replacement for them. We will cover all postage and packaging fees for incorrect or faulty items which need returning.
Please be aware that seconds graded items are advertised as defected and, therefore, cannot be refunded due to being faulty.
Yes! The best way to add to a current order is to make another order with the extra products you want then send us an email at so we combine your open orders for you and refund the shipping on one of them. We can only do this if your original order hasn't shipped yet.
Here are all the countries we currently ship to:
UK - All areas (we are based here!)
Europe - Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia
Rest of World - Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, United States of America
If you don't see your country on the list, we can't currently ship there. This may be due to new packaging laws and fees, customs reasons or tracking limitations in the postal service we use.
Your postage price at checkout will depend on your location, order weight and current exchange rates but here are some estimated shipping prices in GBP:
Books & Dust Jackets: £3.50 │ Other Items: £2.70
Books: £11 │ Other Items: £8.50
Rest of World
Books: £16 │ Other Items: £8.50
Please also be aware that your country may charge customs duty and/or taxes on arrival which vary depending on where you live.
We collect taxes on orders under £135 from EU customers on this website. You won't need to pay them on delivery.
Please get in touch with me at and tell me your idea!
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